We wouldn’t accept one choice for movie night, we shouldn’t accept it for our schools.

One size fits all doesn’t work for school clothes, and it certainly doesn’t work for school.

Don’t listen to the clowns who oppose school choice.

One size fits all doesn’t work.  We demand choice in all aspects of our life, and education should be no different.

Choice matters in education. 

No two children learn in the exact same way and no one learning environment can match the needs of every kid. Traditional education models work well for some kids, but leave thousands of others behind. Education should adapt to meet the needs of every kid. True educational choice for families means access to schools that are as diverse as the kids themselves.

COVID-19 has illuminated the drastic limitations of our current education system. Now, more than ever, families are searching for opportunities that meet the needs of their individual child.

Student-focused education requires creativity and innovation. Some students grow and excel in a traditional learning environment while others are better served by home school or online learning.  Some kids crave the specialized curriculum offered at a magnet or charter school while others prefer the small group environment offered by learning pods.  Unfortunately, for too many students, how and where they receive their education is not a choice. Access to a wide variety of offerings should not be available only to a select handful of kids. All students in all communities deserve a high-quality education where they can thrive and succeed.

So what do you do next?